Sunday, October 16, 2011

Say to the Lord, "Command me"

"[Jesus] came to them walking on the sea... Peter said to Him, 'Lord, if it is You, command me to come to You...'" 

Matt 14:25, 27

Lord, give me Peter's zeal  that says, 'Lord, command me to do the impossible,' and then obeys the command without hesitation.  Under Your authority,  all things are possible.   Let me shift my thinking - make a leap beyond the confines of what's safe.    Sometimes, when I get an idea, I'm not sure it's You.  Maybe it's just another one of my nutty whims.  But I'll never know if I don't  take the risk to find out.  I need to say with Peter, 'Lord, if it is you...' and then obey promptly when I hear you respond with 'Come!' I wonder how often I miss out on opportunities to grow my faith because I'm too fearful or apathetic to ask for your marching orders! God, grow my faith by making me bold knowing You are with me!

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