Monday, November 28, 2011

Keep Silent

"The Lord will fight for you while you keep silent."

Exodus 14:14 (and see Exodus14:25 as well)

Keep silent.  Be still...

OK, Lord.  I do this best when I'm sleeping.  Otherwise, whew!  I'm so full of myself, my opinions, my agenda that words just spew out all the time.  It's like I've always got a reservoir of remarks waiting to push over the spillway...

Keep silent. Be still...

OK, Lord.  You're telling me you've got it under control.  You don't need my help.  You don't want my help.  You want my attention.   

Keep silent. Be still... 

OK, Lord.  Otherwise, I'll miss seeing your deliverance.

Stand By

"Do not fear!  Stand by and see the salvation of the Lord which He will accomplish for you today..."
Exodus 14:13

Lord, we Americans are really good at standing by and seeing things like college football, for instance.  In some ways, our culture is all about being a spectator. However, in the realm of crisis, we find that simply standing by and watching makes us crazy.   We hate that feeling of helplessness when calamity strikes.  We feel frantic if we can't do something to help.

Those Israelites standing at the edge of the Red Sea with the Egyptian army rumbling toward them in chariots must have been beside themselves.  Yet, Moses' advice was, 'Don't worry; watch and see what God's going to do.'   

Holy Father, sometimes there is nothing we can do to save.  But we know You, the good, powerful, and living God who is in charge of it all. So Moses' counsel still rings true, no matter what the situation.  Let us marshall our emotions and thoughts, clinging to the truth that You can save.*  

Sometimes you reach in and deliver us in the most astonishing ways!  Sometimes you free us from our circumstance.  Sometimes you free us in and through our circumstance.  Either way, let us stand by and see  your saving work.

* God is with us when we suffer and He promises that those believers who suffer don't do it for nothing. So what happens when the rescue we're looking for doesn't occur?   Check out my brother's video called "Is God Good?" for more on this difficult topic:

Monday, November 21, 2011

Take Captive

We demolish arguments and every pretension that sets itself up against the knowledge of God, and we take captive every thought to make it obedient to Christ.’
2 Corinthians 10:5

Father, you desire  outward and inward obedience.  Both actions and thoughts are involved in this kinetic submission to your Lordship. My natural tendency is to let my thoughts wander... drift... daydream.  Passive rebellion?

It's astounding how much time can be wasted brooding in 'the drift'.  What if blah, blah, blah...then I could blah blah blah.  If only I hadn't blah blah blah.  I also marvel at how far astray I can end up if I deviate even slightly from Your solid truth.  Christ crucified and risen must be my center.

Paul, on the other hand, seems very purposeful and intentional with his thinking. It's almost like he's staged a coup in his mind that establishes the priority of immediate obedience to Christ.  Paul entertains no wishful musings, what ifs, false rationalizations, or vain notions.  He measures life by the standard of the Gospel of Christ.

Lord, remind me to measure every thought against your truth.  Bring me back when You see me distracted or dissipated in my views.  Give me the guts to aggressively tear down systems of thought that set themselves up against knowledge of You.  Empower me to constrain my thought-life to conform to Your way, Your truth, and Your life.

Tuesday, November 15, 2011

Want to do Good

"So I find this law at work: Although I want to do good, evil is right there with me."  
Romans 7:21

Do I REALLY want to do good?  Yes!  And... no.  Paul dialogues the inner struggle so well!  Like him, my heart is corrupt.  And down deep, I think we'd all rather be God than be good.  That's sort of the Garden of Eden dilemma, isn't it?

Thanks be to You, God, that you rescue me in this continual struggle.  Give me the power to both want and do your will moment by moment!

Saturday, November 12, 2011

Teach New Disciples

"Teach these new disciples to obey all the commands I have given to you."
Matthew 28:20
That seems easy.  If I just tell young believers the principles in Your Word , they'll do it, right?  Not so much...  Teaching and telling are not synonyms.  And simple commands often contain hidden levels of complexity.

"Put on your shoes!"  Lord - it's something I tell my kids every day.  You'd think it was a no-brainer command.  However, that is not the case.   What's involved?  First, the kid has to FIND the shoes.  No, no - first, the kid has to be WILLING to find the shoes now instead of continuing in his present course.  So, when the child hears a command like that from me, in his heart he has to say something like, "OK, because Mom told me  and I love her, I'll be glad to do it.  I'll  make her agenda my priority now." 

First he has to be willing.  Second, he must recognize the unspoken subcommand - he has to find the shoes.  Compliance comes more easily when he has established routines.  My kid has to have the  habit of putting his shoes away in a certain spot if he wants to be ready obey the command that he knows will come at some point in the day.  

Lastly, the kid's got to follow through; actually get the shoes on his feet.  He can't be distracted by the marbles on his closet floor, or by the telephone ringing.  He has to be on it!

People need practice at obeying even simple commands.  Telling isn't enough; teaching involves one person giving practice and patiently correcting problems, and the other person offering a willing heart and immediate action.   Teaching involves time.  Teaching a new disciple is an investment.   Lord, I  am willing.  Show me new routines to establish in my daily life that will put me in a position to obey at the drop of a hat. Help me to follow through, because your commands are my priority.   Lord, renew my dedication to teaching the younger disciples in my life.  

Monday, November 7, 2011

Do As Jesus Did

"For I gave you an example that you also should do as I did."
John 13:15

Lord Jesus, You spoke these words to your disciples right after you washed their feet.  You came to serve;  You came to love your own to the fullest extent.  And You called them (and by extension, me) to do as You did.  Washing feet is humble work, especially for a teacher who washes the feet of his rather dense students.  Yet in this case, astoundingly, You also washed the feet of one student whom You knew to be plotting your demise AND one student whom You knew would deny You.  

The love you call your disciples to imitate is not always  warm & fuzzy love.  It's self-sacrificial and demanding. In this humble service, you loved your disciples in a peculiar and particular way that provoked consternation, questions, and thought.    You even asked them, "Do you know what I have done to you?"  In other words, 'Why do you think the Son of God would perform this lowly task?'   Maybe your act seemed reckless or foolish... prodigal even...  Certainly it was baffling, and the disciples gave no answer at the time. 

I think I know what you did to them.  You gave an example of loving and serving with grace and without pride.  The disciples didn't deserve your service.  You loved them despite their lowly position, despite their impending betrayals and denials.  You loved them fully, no holding back.  You love me fully, no reservations; not because I deserve it, but because of your astonishing grace.

Lord Jesus, empower me to love and serve others profoundly, not looking to reward those who deserve it; but rather seeking to imitate and be a conduit of your love and grace so that others would know You.

Thursday, November 3, 2011

Have No Other Gods

“ You shall have no other gods before Me."

Lord, You're not some cosmic kill-joy.  No.  When you issue commands you've got good in mind, not drudgery.  Actually, you've got BEST in mind.  Some of the things that get between me & You are good: family, exercise, cooking, work, reading, music, etc.  But they're really not even close to best.  You are best.    "Sin is not just the doing of bad things, but the making of good things into ultimate things."*

I confess that I make good things into the ultimate thing. Often my appetite for Your good gifts overshadows my love for You, the Giver.  But I was made to love You and build my whole life on You - not on work, education, talents,  kids, home, hobbies, vacations, or friends.  You.  Peerless.  You.

Forgive me and please continue to reveal Yourself to me.  Show me how to live this command day by day.

* Timothy Keller p.168 Reason for God

Wednesday, November 2, 2011

Ask in Prayer

'All the things you ask in prayer, believing,  you will receive.'
Matt 21:22

It's not fashionable to ask for things, even in prayer, Lord.  I was taught several formulas for prayer (like ACTS: Acclamation, Thanksgiving, Confession, Supplication) that stress praise & minimize requests.    These formulas are valid - I see them modeled in the Psalms and in the Lord's Prayer. 

But, here's the thing - You teach me to ask, and even to be persistent as I pray. I sometimes resist, in my foolish pride, because I hate to acknowledge my need. I want to take care of the 'little things' on my own without 'bothering' You. Yet James tells me that 'you do not have because you do not ask'.  Paul says to make requests with thanksgiving when I'm anxious.  And Jesus, in the book of Matthew, You promise that 'all things you ask in prayer, believing,  you will receive.'  

So... why don't I ask more?  Asking implies change.  Asking takes focus. Asking takes time.  Asking takes humility.    Asking takes believing.  Ahh.  There's some inertia to be overcome.  I resist change; even good change!

Lord Jesus, thankfully, you provide the faith to believe. (Ephesians 2:8,9)  That's the hinge on which this whole prayer-thing turns.  For my part, I must take the time to focus AND yield to my humble position as a petitioner approaching Your throne of grace.  Lord in Your mercy, hear my prayer.