Wednesday, November 2, 2011

Ask in Prayer

'All the things you ask in prayer, believing,  you will receive.'
Matt 21:22

It's not fashionable to ask for things, even in prayer, Lord.  I was taught several formulas for prayer (like ACTS: Acclamation, Thanksgiving, Confession, Supplication) that stress praise & minimize requests.    These formulas are valid - I see them modeled in the Psalms and in the Lord's Prayer. 

But, here's the thing - You teach me to ask, and even to be persistent as I pray. I sometimes resist, in my foolish pride, because I hate to acknowledge my need. I want to take care of the 'little things' on my own without 'bothering' You. Yet James tells me that 'you do not have because you do not ask'.  Paul says to make requests with thanksgiving when I'm anxious.  And Jesus, in the book of Matthew, You promise that 'all things you ask in prayer, believing,  you will receive.'  

So... why don't I ask more?  Asking implies change.  Asking takes focus. Asking takes time.  Asking takes humility.    Asking takes believing.  Ahh.  There's some inertia to be overcome.  I resist change; even good change!

Lord Jesus, thankfully, you provide the faith to believe. (Ephesians 2:8,9)  That's the hinge on which this whole prayer-thing turns.  For my part, I must take the time to focus AND yield to my humble position as a petitioner approaching Your throne of grace.  Lord in Your mercy, hear my prayer.

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