Wednesday, September 7, 2011

Approach God

"In him and through faith in him we may approach God with freedom and confidence." 

Ephesians 3:12

Seems simple, doesn’t it?  Approach God.  But Lord, instead of approaching you, I think I often circumnavigate you.  It’s seems so much easier to be less direct.  You see, approaching you means I get nearer to you.  The nearer I get, the more your light illuminates my dark places.  So sailing around you seems more attractive sometimes.  I can talk about you; read books about you; go to church potlucks; ponder the blessings of spending time in prayer; blog about your Word.  And then I need never actually encounter you.  Seems safer, somehow, because then I don’t have to notice my sins and (God forbid) change.

Yet, you promise that in Christ, I can come with humble boldness before you, expecting good words rather than accusations. I am free to open my mind and heart to you, knowing you will accept me just as I am.  Obviously, Lord, I don't draw near to You because of my own merit.  I’m here before You today because of Christ’s humble and redeeming work on the cross and because of the gift of faith You’ve given me.  I am so grateful for the access to you that Jesus affords me.  You, the God of the entire universe!  Thank you.  I’ll approach you.  I am approaching you with freedom and confidence.


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