Wednesday, September 28, 2011

Take Refuge

  "It is better to take refuge in the LORD than to trust in man."

 Psalm 118:8

Lord, You are a powerful provider and defender.  I’d rather come to You for safety than trust anybody else to cover my tail.  You protect, shelter, and provide for all Your people. 

You've given me people in my life to help, but since they're people (not God) they're not always reliable.   Sometimes my husband isn't with me when I need him.  Sometimes my friend doesn't know that I'm hurt. Sometimes my insurance company can't cover the damage.  Sometimes a teacher misguides me.  Sometimes I deceive myself.  When I depend on people to provide real refuge, I'm bound to be disappointed.

But you! You're totally reliable. You're omni-everything!   You're omnipresent so you're everywhere all the time; wherever I am, you're with me.  You're omniscient so you know it all; nothing escapes you.  You're omnipotent so you've got the power to shelter me.   AND you're good so I can be sure that you will provide refuge when I seek it.  

You know even better than I do the things that threaten me.  I trust You to help more than I trust friends, relatives, insurance men, teachers, or even myself!  Hold me in the palm of your hand, Lord!

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