Thursday, November 3, 2011

Have No Other Gods

“ You shall have no other gods before Me."

Lord, You're not some cosmic kill-joy.  No.  When you issue commands you've got good in mind, not drudgery.  Actually, you've got BEST in mind.  Some of the things that get between me & You are good: family, exercise, cooking, work, reading, music, etc.  But they're really not even close to best.  You are best.    "Sin is not just the doing of bad things, but the making of good things into ultimate things."*

I confess that I make good things into the ultimate thing. Often my appetite for Your good gifts overshadows my love for You, the Giver.  But I was made to love You and build my whole life on You - not on work, education, talents,  kids, home, hobbies, vacations, or friends.  You.  Peerless.  You.

Forgive me and please continue to reveal Yourself to me.  Show me how to live this command day by day.

* Timothy Keller p.168 Reason for God

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