Wednesday, October 12, 2011

Be Merciful

"On hearing this, Jesus said, "It is not the healthy who need a doctor, but the sick. But go and learn what this means: 'I desire mercy, not sacrifice.' For I have not come to call the righteous, but sinners.”

Matthew 9:12,13

Father, You desire mercy, however I lean toward sacrifice.  I derive pride and satisfaction from accomplishing tasks that seem hard and religious thinking, 'I am sooo awesome because I tithe, I study my Bible, I home-school, I (insert task here).' The stuff I'm doing is fine, but my attitude is crap sometimes.

Lord, the mercy you desire is quite a contrast to the list of duties I pridefully check off. You’re interested in mercy that only flows from a humble heart. Mercy is a compassionate and forgiving way of thinking that my behavior should reflect.  Mercy finds ways to provide relief from suffering.  Mercy absorbs debts.  Mercy involves people, not just tasks.  

Who are these people, Lord, to whom I can be merciful? Who within my sphere of influence is suffering or needs my compassion or forgiveness? It's hard to know if I don't speak to folks, isn't it?  What about the guy who bags my food at the grocery?  How is he doing today?  And my neighbor?  Oh - her dad died a couple of weeks ago.  Hmm, how about my family?  Have I 'had it up to here' with them?   What about the Somali refugee who lives 10 minutes from my home.  There's an obvious opportunity - but yikes!  She doesn't even speak English.  

The tug of spiritual inertia seems overwhelming at times to selfish me.  But what’s going on inside my soul? I forget that being concerned chiefly with my own pleasure and profit brings misery, but selflessness brings joy.   Usher my will back into line with yours so I walk in mercy, not self-righteousness.

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